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Private Ranked Votes

Worldcoin identity for ranked voting (Stylus Rust on Arbitrum) for an open voting platform

Private Ranked Votes

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project only got as far getting (simulator) verification of unique identity and deploying and interacting with demo Stylus Rust smart contracts.

I want to implement an onchain open voting system used ranked voting. MACI is interesting work in the space, in that it does privacy preserving votes, but ranked pairs voting is a far better voting mechanism. I want to achieve that, but with a fit-for-purpose voting system.

How it's Made

Originally started with Worldcoin template (creating repository at, but encountered issues in that in a tech stack I was not familiar with. So I switched to using their Rust crate, as a clean start in a separate repository (

I discovered my full intended use of Worldcoin was not going to be a natural fit for the technology, so have kept it as just proving the identity.

I wanted to also write the smart contracts in Rust (so used Stylus) both because that is my primary language and the voting algorithms could benefit from reduced gas usage.

Not enough time to take to next stage in this hackthon, which would include on-chain contracts, privacy preserving homomorphic privacy whene calculating vote outcomes (probably not MACI though), and a UI.

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