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Prodigy Piano Diary

Prodigy Piano Diary is a revolutionary Web3 app for professional pianists. Effortlessly track practice time, emotions, and musical insights. Blockchain ensures data integrity. Unlock collaboration in a secure marketplace. Redefining piano mastery in a seamless, intuitive platform

Prodigy Piano Diary

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

NEAR Protocol - Best Frontend Component Built with BOS 1st Place

Project Description

In the world of classical piano, Prodigy Piano Diary emerges as a groundbreaking Web3 application designed to elevate the practice journey of professional pianists. Developed with a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by musicians, this platform is a comprehensive solution tailored to the intricate demands of mastering a musical piece.

Motivation: Inspired by the struggles of classical pianists, Prodigy Piano Diary aims to revolutionize the way musicians track and enhance their practice sessions. Addressing the limitations of traditional methods, such as Excel sheets and notebooks, the platform provides an intuitive digital space for musicians to meticulously document their musical odyssey.

Key Features:

  1. Time Tracking and Estimation:

Log practice hours and minutes effortlessly. A dynamic dashboard provides insights into estimated vs. actual practice time for each piece.

  1. Emotional and Consciousness Metrics:

Record emotions and levels of consciousness during practice. Understand the emotional journey associated with each piece, fostering a deeper connection with the music.

  1. Fragmented Music Analysis:

Break down music into fragments, allowing for detailed analysis. Track time spent on specific phrases or subphrases, refining practice strategies.

  1. Sheet Music Integration:

Seamlessly upload sheet music, whether personal compositions, teacher-provided scores, or those from renowned pianists. Extract relevant details about the piece, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the composer's intent.

  1. Blockchain Integration:

Ensure the integrity of practice data with tamper-proof blockchain technology. Smart contracts facilitate secure transactions, collaborations, and tokenization for a marketplace.

  1. Marketplace for Collaboration:

Unlock opportunities for collaboration among musicians, teachers, and composers. Trade insights, tips, and even sheet music through a transparent and secure blockchain-based marketplace.

Usability: Prodigy Piano Diary prioritizes user-friendly design, with an intuitive interface and streamlined navigation. Efforts have been made to remove friction from the user experience, ensuring that musicians can focus on their craft without distractions.

Metrics for Success: In addition to time tracking and emotional metrics, the platform introduces performance metrics, consistency benchmarks, collaboration effectiveness, and long-term progress tracking. These metrics collectively redefine success in the practice journey.

Prodigy Piano Diary is not just an app; it's a transformative companion for pianists on their quest for excellence.

How it's Made

This project consists of two parts, the smart contract built 100% in Solidity and the front-end part, I have decided to build it in NEAR given the features it has to host complete sites on its platform. The biggest challenge of the project for me was the part of styling the screens due to the poor integration with modern tools like Tailwind. Although in the end I clarified my doubts with the team and it does use Bootstrap to be able to style the components, the information came to me too late since it is not clear in the documentation. In addition to finding a bug in the platform for component development, it can be said that it is a very good online tool to get started.

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