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Promise Protector

A smart contract that would allow individuals to bet on whether government will be able to reach their Carbon goals of 2030!

Promise Protector

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ UMA — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project uses UMA's Optimistic Oracle to allow people to invest in whether they believe governments will reach their Carbon emission targets of 2030. It uses an Event-based Prediction Market, for instance, if someone believes Canada's 2030 carbon emissions will be 30% lower than 2022 levels then someone could hold a long token, until the expiry. They can do the NO query if someone believes emissions won't be lower than 30% by 2030.

How it's Made

It uses UMA's Optimistic Oracle to create an Event-based Prediction Market using a YES_OR_NO_QUERY to allow users to say Yes or No for the event of a certain event. UMA's protocol helped with creating an exchange where people can verify the truth after the event on a date like 'January 1st, 2023'. You can write to the contract and issue something like 10,000 tokens, and try to add different parameter information such as ancillaryData.

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