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Prompt to Chain

Blockchain Solution to Showcase an AI Verification System to Combat Fake News

Prompt to Chain

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Scroll - Best on Scroll

Project Description

“Prompt to Chain” showcases a blockchain-backed solution for verifying AI-generated content on Scroll. Only after an NFT representation of the input prompt is generated on the blockchain, will the AI start generating an AI image. This ensures that no AI image can be generated without an equivalent, tracked NFT on the blockchain. The NFT metadata is then updated by the smart contract owner to prove the origin as an image created by AI.

This platform demonstrates how blockchain and AI can synergistically protect users from unverified AI-generated images. Using an open ledger, it allows anyone to verify if, who, and when an AI image was generated. Through this project, I aim to inspire LLM developers to incorporate blockchain solutions as safeguards against the misuse of AI in creating fake news.

How it's Made

The AI verification system works by only starting to generate the AI image if the NFT is minted to guarantee open ledger documentation. The NFT is open proof that the image is generated with AI. WalletConnect Web3Modal is used to create an easy-to-use UI/UX dApp. The backend is written in python and includes a listener to track new mints and triggers the AI generation. OpenAI API is called for prompt to image generation. After the image is generated, the already minted NFT tokenURI is updated by the smart contract owner through a separate transaction. The updateTokenURI function is only possible to be called once and by the owner only, to guarantee no future tinkering. Smart contracts are programmed in Solidity and deployed with Remix on Scroll Sepolia testnet.

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