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Proof of Deep Work

Proof of Deep Work incentivizes learning and deep work through rewarding deep work with NFT's.

Proof of Deep Work

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Problem: People are scattered and intellectually stunted by TikTok and social media. 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Many work multiple jobs and have little time to commit to deep work.

Solution: Proof of Deep Work (PODW) replaces common UBI ideas which just pays people to do nothing by minting NFT’s from deep work events such as coding, mathematics, writing, research, etc.

Product: Inspired by Proof of Meditation which won ETH Denver in 2022.

What is Deep Work?

PODW will reward people based on time as well as deep work done. PODW will also reward deep work providers who create learning tracks and analyze the work of users.

Users: Deep Worker: paid to do deep work Deep Work Provider: Educators, Institutions, paid by creating the work that deep workers do.

DataTypes to generate NFT based on deepwork Session) timeStart (Color based on Time of Day) timeFinished (Color based on Time of Day) workType (Math, Coding, Writing, Research, etc) Background image? Milestone (Finishing a module, grade, etc) details (Details about Work) platform (Khan Academy, Alchemy University) UserAvatar (User avatar custom or generated)

For MVP: One Avatar type, one work type (coding)

All these data points would be inputs to generate an NFT for each deepwork session

Potential Deep Work Providers: Udemy, Khan Academy, Alchemy University, Polkadot, etc.

Partners for time tracking:

Source of Funds: GiveEth, GivingBlock, Government Grants for Education, etc.

Value Delivered: Proof that students and adults are engaging in deep work to train for future jobs, entrepreneurship, etc.

Market: US Education Market is $1.4 TRILLION

How it's Made

This project uses ScaffoldEth for the front end, stable diffusion to create images for NFT's, IPFS to host the site and store the NFT metadata, and Polygon for hosting the on chain data and zk roll up technology for scaling transactions. The front-end is functional but the backend is still a work in progress.

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