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distributed and inter-operable collaboration workspace tool between DAO contributors to better facilitate discussions and proposal reviews


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

We realized the blockchain can be so abstract to some people so this distributed collaboration workspace tool that puts a more visual UI/UX to it and it can be this one giant vision board where everyone's just pitching in their ideas and collaborating with each other. Anyone can also create/build their own ideas board and share to the world too! 🤩✨

What we made -We built a collaboration workspace tool that allows anyone to contribute freely -It can also be used to engage with internal & external contributors & incentivize then while boosting their reputation for work completed -Write docs, manage projects, and organize knowledge

Users can use it to add various components like databases, tables, Kanban boards, and calendars to structure your workspace. you can also use it to manage Web3 Projects to track tasks, milestones, and progress. Using Bacalhau, you can train your workspace with huge data and streamline information by minimizing redundancy through a distributed knowledge base. You can also invite teammates, colleagues, or collaborators to join your Web3 workspace. You can use the proposal builder to manage and keep track of proposals and also to see how you can contribute and participate.

Contributors can get incentives from Apecoin as the governance token and perhaps grants as well that can be provided by other organizations.

There's also improve collaboration between DAO contributors as they can create inter-operable contribution profiles that they can verify on-chain.

Motivation -provide a distributed option for dao & workspace tooling -make it fault-tolerant so that the network or system to continue functioning even when some components are faulty -minimize data redundancy by training AI models and consolidating knowledge-base to similar CID's -we wanted to develop inter-operable on-chain contributor profiles - so that even when they switch clients people can still see their contributions on-chain

How it's Made

-Polybase: integrated to the frontend -ApeCoin: used as a DAO tooling solution to reward contributors -Bacalhau: Decentralized Data Aggregation - Employ Bacalhau and FVM to aggregate data from multiple sources, granting users access to a wider range of data. -Ceramic: improve collaboration between DAO contributors, create inter-operable contribution profiles -IPFS/NFT storage: to store content -libp2p: make content distributed amd accessible offline -ENS: for avatar resolution -Lit Protocol: abstract signing -Dataverse wallet: integrate w/ FEVM -Spheron: Connect to any DAO and trigger web deployment on proposal pass -Dataland: integrate SDK to DataDAOs -LivePeer & Huddle: build twitter spaces feature inside notion -Drand: timelock encryption -Fission: SDK to help store both private and public data

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