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Decenteralized licensing platform for handling license definition, creation, financial handling and querying


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

๐ŸŠ Scroll โ€” Pool Prize

Project Description

The project is about licensing. A dynamic flexible licensing for creating, co-working, publishing, and sharing rights of contents (audio, video, text, project, program, design, patent, ...). The project will handle 1- defining the diversity of licenses and license templates 2- creating licenses and copyrights to sell, share, and promote,... 3- handling financial challenges of licensing 4- transparent and easy querying of rights 5- creating ecosystem and dao for adding new templates and mechanisms 6- easy to use plugins and SDK for content publishing platforms

How it's Made

these technologies are used or will be used for smart-contracts hardhat, open zeppelin, test and coverage and auditing tools for querying thegraph, nestjs, mongodb, redis, ethers for file handling filecoin for tokenswaps and financial uniswap for identity resolving and polygon id for frontend vuejs and ethers

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