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Public Goods Lottery

Create provably fair onchain lotteries to fund public goods projects

Public Goods Lottery

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Anyone can create their own onchain lottery, 70% of the ticket sales will be sent to the public goods project, and the remaining 30% will be split among three of the winning ticket holders.

We hope this will incentives users to fund public goods, through the possibility of profiting from these lotteries.

How it's Made

The project uses Chainlink's VRF to provide onchain randomness, for a provably fair lottery. Envio is used to query onchain data about each lottery, and Web3Auth is integrated into the frontend for a smooth onboarding experience.

The smart contracts were written using foundry, there is no backend, I just used Envio and NextJS server components to query the blockchain for lottery state. And the frontend uses NextJS with shadcn components.

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