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100% on-chain, permissionless, self-custodial, ERC721 publishing protocol for authors of all kinds


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

This project uses the Proxy Beacon standard along with a factory contract to deploy ERC721Upgradeable & Ownable contracts to store individual works. Authors' works are enshrined on the blockchain, but the author will own the contract in order to make changes to their book as they see fit. We've decided to use the Proxy Beacon standard so that the protocol owner will be able to upgrade the protocol without having to maintain ownership of the proxy & implementation contracts.

How it's Made

This is designed to enable works to be permanently stored on chain, where nobody can control the publications but the author. It is designed to be a PoC/MVP for myself and/or others can build on top of.

This project uses the OpenZeppelin ERC721, Ownable, and ProxyBeacon contracts to as a base for the Beacon proxy contract standard. It's been deployed upon the Scroll zkEVM.

The front end uses React + Vite, WAGMI + Ethers + Rainbowkit to make connections and blockchain integration very easy. On the writer/editor portion, we are using Lexical to create the ability to publish things.

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