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A tool that uses natural language via langchain to upload files to IPFS using


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

qdrive uses langchain to parse natural language into a formed query, and construct a payload which contains a filepath, and with that payload create a post request to the express server which invokes upload to IPFS function, and returns back the hosted files CID

The idea behind this tool is to facilitate file upload to IPFS and abstract it away to simple natural language.

How it's Made

Langchain takes in natural language prompts - for example "Upload the file located at /paths/file.json" to IPFS", and it does the rest by invoking the /upload endpoint on the running nodejs server and constructing the payload that contains that specific filepath. This then queries the nodejs server running the upload function as an endpoint. functions are build with an express nodejs server which takes the filepaths incoming from the post request to /upload endpoint and uploads those files located at the specified filepath to IPFS

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