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Raffle AI NFT

Create AI NFTs through prompts, put them into a lottery, and win money.

Raffle AI NFT

Created At

HackFS 2024

Project Description

Image generated through AI is minted as an NFT, owner of NFT creates a raffle, NFT goes to the contract. NFT goes to a random participant, owner gets the pool money

We wrote a smart contract which takes the holds of NFT for the entire duration of the raffle, after generating the random number through solidity with libraries for random number generation, we took help of this documentation

How it's Made

Create AI NFTs through prompts, put them into a lottery, and win money. A smart contract randomly selects the winner, and after generating a random number, the NFT is transferred from the contract to the person who wins the lottery. This process uses technologies like NextJS, WalletConnect, smart contracts, and prompt image generation.

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