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Deploy contracts on multiple chains with just a git push. It's like a Vercel but for web3.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Best Library / Framework (”Best Use of Arbitrum Library”) 2nd place

NEAR Protocol - Best Use of Chain Signatures: Cross-Chain Apps Without Bridges

Project Description

Re:public is a CI/CD automation tool designed specifically for smart contract development. This innovative platform allows developers to connect their GitHub repository and set up continuous chain abstracted integration with ease.

The primary objective of Re:public is to accelerate the time-to-market and lower the entry barrier for Web3 development. Developers no longer need to engage in manual deployments or handle individual deployments for each testnet chain. Our platform automates this process, enabling developers to specify which branches should be deployed to their desired chains.

For instance, a push to the "test-arbitrum" branch can trigger an automatic deployment on Arbitrum, while a push to the "general-test" branch could simultaneously deploy to three chains: Arbitrum, Near, and Polygon Testnets.

Another noteworthy feature is that users are not required to have a deep understanding of Web3 concepts like "gas" or "wallets." Re:public brings a Web2 cloud experience to Web3, where each push to a Git repository initiates an automatic deployment to various environments, including production, staging, and development. This seamless integration streamlines the development process, making it more accessible and efficient for developers venturing into the world of Web3.

How it's Made

Our project leverages NEAR cli tools and chain abstraction to deliver best CI experience for customers. Dockerized worker handles commits from connected repositories. Deploys them to the network and stores addresses. Chain abstraction allows to deploy projects to both near evm chains paying fees in NEAR tokens.

We developed the frontend primarily using the T3 stack, which includes Next.js and NextAuth, complemented by the Shade-CN UI library. Our application makes extensive use of the GitHub API, incorporating features such as GitHub OAuth, Custom Apps, GitHub webhooks, and the Octokit library.

The core functionality of our project hinges on leveraging GitHub webhooks to capture various events, including app installations, commits, and pushes. Upon receiving an event, we populate our deployment queue. This queue is then processed by a background worker that is responsible for deploying the project across different blockchain networks, tailored to the specific requirements of each project type.

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