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Rebirth of Humanity

Rebirth of Humanity: A post-apocalyptic text-based strategy game where players guide humanity's survival by making crucial decisions in a world dominated by AI

Rebirth of Humanity

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Flow - Most Killer App Potential 3rd place

Project Description

AI Agent:

We built AI agent to drive the game’s core decision-making process. These agents dynamically create narrative paths based on user choices, ensuring each decision significantly impacts the storyline. The AI agents also analyze user inputs, adapting the game's scenarios and challenges in real-time, resulting in a personalized experience for each player.

The agents are built using Phala TEE smart contract system allowing players to interact with the blockchain using AI automatically .

Identity Verification with Worldcoin:

Before players embark on their journey, they must verify their humanity using Worldcoin. This step ensures that users are humans, not AI agents, setting the stage for the narrative of human survival and AI dominance. Worldcoin provides decentralized identity verification in a seamless way, integrated directly into the game's onboarding flow.

Flow Blockchain for Game Logic:

We used Flow to handle in-game logic and asset ownership, including players’ progress, rewards, and achievements. By leveraging Flow’s efficient and scalable infrastructure, we ensure a smooth user experience with minimal gas fees and high-speed interactions. Flow also manages the game's XP and prize redemption system, allowing users to accumulate rewards and redeem them for in-game assets or advantages as they progress through the storyline.

Dynamic Web3 Wallet Integration:

We integrated Dynamic, to handle seamless asset management for players. Dynamic allows users to securely interact with the game's blockchain features without friction.

User Interface:

We designed a minimalist, intuitive UI that focuses on user immersion. The user's story dynamically changes based on player actions and AI decisions, offering a reactive and engaging player experience, with subtle visual cues and responsive elements that highlight the emotional tension and consequences of each choice.

Game Logic and Interaction:

Each decision is part of a larger story tree, where user inputs directly impact the next stage of the narrative. We implemented conditional logic to ensure that each choice leads to unique outcomes, with the possibility of multiple storylines based on the paths chosen.

The player's actions influence the future of humanity, whether they choose to cooperate with AI or resist.

How it's Made

Our project uses React and Node.js to build the core functionality, while leveraging the Replicate API to power Flux, the AI model responsible for generating dynamic storylines and decision-making. We integrated Wagmi for handling Web3 interactions, and Dynamic serves as the Web3 wallet for seamless user authentication and secure asset management.

For decentralized identity verification, we implemented Worldcoin. Flow was used as the blockchain. Phala makes it possible for the AI to automatically interact with the blockchain.

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