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Automate sending recurring payment on your favourite chain and across chains.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏗️ Chainlink — Build Something Awesome

Project Description

RecurraPay is a decentralized standing order system which addresses the evolving financial needs of blockchain users by providing autonomy, interoperability, and a secure, cost-effective means of managing recurring payments. This innovation contributes to the broader mission of blockchain technology, which is to decentralize and democratize financial services, giving users greater control over their financial affairs.

This project leverages the power of Chainlink automation and Axelar's cross-chain capabilities to provide users with a versatile standing order system. With this solution, users can effortlessly create standing orders for native tokens such as MATIC, BNB, AVAX, within their chain and the Axelar USD token which can be sent to other chains.

Key Features:

Customized Standing Orders: Users have the freedom to create standing orders according to their preferences. They can specify the start date, end date, and the desired payment interval.

Payment Flexibility: Users can seamlessly manage their standing orders. They have the option to edit, pause, restart, or delete their standing orders, offering complete control over their financial commitments.

By combining Chainlink's automation capabilities with Axelar's cross-chain functionality, this project simplifies recurring payments across different blockchain networks, providing users with a convenient and customizable solution for managing their financial commitments.

How it's Made

The project consists of two core components: the frontend and the smart contracts. To streamline the system, we've developed two smart contracts to handle standing orders. The first contract manages standing orders within a single blockchain, while the second tackles the intricacies of standing orders across different chains. The central 'createOrder' function initiates the setup of standing orders, gathering all the essential details.

Once a standing order is established, the system triggers payments to the recipient's account after the predefined duration, thanks to the integration of Chainlink automation. Our contract inherits Chainlink automation capabilities and incorporates two vital functions: 'checkup' for condition assessment and 'performUpkeep' for payment initiation.

For inter-chain transactions, our contract leverages multiple Axelar contracts, facilitating the seamless transfer of payments between diverse blockchain networks. Presently, the application extends support to three chains: Polygon Mumbai, Binance Smart Chain Testnet, and Avalanche Fuji.

On the frontend side, we've developed a user-friendly interface using a technology stack consisting of React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. This combination ensures a responsive and visually appealing user experience, making it easy for users to interact with and manage their standing orders across different blockchain networks. The integration of these frontend technologies enhances the accessibility and usability of our platform.

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