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RecycloMade is a decentralized organization that aims to encourage people to recycle waste items and make something unique & best out of them in order to make Earth a better place to live in.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

Project Description

RecycloMade is a decentralized organization that aims to encourage people to recycle waste items and make something unique & best out of them in order to make Earth a better place to live in. We aim to build a community of enthusiasts who'll help us achieve our goal of creating 1 million handmade recycled items. RecycloMade is a lottery game where users can participate by signing through metamask and in order to win prizes they must recycle waste items and create handmade items from them. After that, they have to mint NFT of their work by clicking pictures of their handmade item and submitting it in the form on the website. We will select the best handmade crafts and reward users with gifts and prizes. This game will spread awareness about the importance of recycling and make people recycle more and show creativity by making handmade items. Global Warming is a serious concern and the Recyclomade community understands it, we will work more to make our Dapp better and useful.

How it's Made

Use of Chainlink - Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) -

This is used to generate a random winner from the list of people who have recycled and built something best out of it on a particular day and have minted their NFTs.

Chainlink Keepers Functions -

This is used to automate the smart contracts by running the Verifiable Random Function to help in selecting the winner every day.

The checkUpkeep function will check if the lottery has ended or not. the performUpkeep function will automatically execute the functions in a set time period when the day has ended. This function also automatically sends the amount to the winner of that day.

Use of IPFS - I have used NFT Port to mint the images clicked by the users as NFTs. The images get minted as an NFT and get stored on the IPFS. Implementation of NFTPORT -

Use Of Unstoppable Domain- I have integrated the UNS Domain button in Dapp to log directly with the domain which is more secure and makes Dapp easier to use.

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