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Regenwise is a DApp that is designed to collect, organize, analyze, interpret, teach and promote one of the planet's most important data, namely regen data. Regen (regeneration) means the restoration and responsible management of environmental systems.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

2️⃣0️⃣ Push Protocol — Top 20

Project Description

RegenWise is a DApp that aims to educate and engage users in the concepts and practices of regeneration. It serves as a comprehensive platform that combines learning, project suggestions and support, interactive quests, and marketplaces for regenerative-themed non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The primary goal of RegenWise is to educate users about regeneration, which refers to the restoration and responsible management of environmental systems. The DApp's two main database collections on regen concepts and regen projects serve as the primary features, connecting it to the world of data analytics and trustworthy web 3 database technologies (The collections are on Polybase).

The DApp provides a user-friendly interface (prepared with Next.js) that offers a wide range of educational content, including concept explanations, project suggestions and registration, regen NFTs. These resources cover various topics related to regeneration, such as regenerative education, regenerative energy, regenerative agriculture and so on.

RegenWise also features marketplace(s) dedicated to regen-themed NFTs. In the context of RegenWise, the marketplace offers NFTs related to regeneration, including artwork, collectibles, and even digital representations of regenerative projects via Tokenized Regenerative Effort (TRE) Market (coming soon). By using blockchain technology, the marketplace ensures the authenticity and ownership of these NFTs, allowing users to trade them within the platform.

To make the learning experience more interactive and engaging, RegenWise incorporates quests into its platform. These quests encourage users to apply their knowledge and take real-world actions. If users choose to register on the platform,completing quests and collecting points may result in meaningful gifts such as regen NFTs (The points and gifts issue is to be worked on).

The combination of education, quests, and the NFT marketplaces within RegenWise reveal a comprehensive experience for users. It not only informs knowledge about regeneration but also directs individuals to actively contribute to regen efforts. Through its innovative approach, RegenWise strives to contribute to the regen endeavor.

How it's Made

The technologies that we used while preparing the RegenWise Dapp: For database: Polybase For publishing news: Push Protocol For deploying the DApp: Spheron For storing the NFT assets:

For wallet integration: MetaMask For backend: Next.js Apis For frontend: Next.js

Programming Languages and Some Other Technologies Used: for Smart Contracts: Solidity for Database: Polylang for Backend and Frontend: Typescript , JSX, CSS, Bootstrap

Some Notable Details:

  1. Our first NFT collection on the NFT Marketplace of the RegenWise platform is really meaningful, giving really precious information about the connection between trees and regen.

  2. Usage of Push Protocol for publishing news about the platform and regen was really handy.

  3. Learning and using Polybase was a really different experience because there were details to be taken care of, especially permission-wise.

In general, this hackathon was really beneficial for us and we learned a lot during the process while knowing new people from different projects.

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