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REI is an Decentralized platform where users can take Loan and Invest through REI NFTs.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

On REI user can create his property rights into REI NFTs to Raise funding for some span of(ex: 6 Months) time and after ending this period if user want his/her REI NFTs back he have to pay Raised fund + Interest to Investors. Investors will be able to invest in listed projects to earn Interest on investing.

How it's Made

1.Our project have 3 main part first is Smart contract, second is sub graph and third is Front-end. 2.For our smart contract we have used OZ smart contracts with hardhat framework. 3.Our have smart contracts have 4 main parts first is approver, second is REI NFT, Third is Fractionalised NFT and Fourth is REI market. 4.IN our sub graph we are listen all events from our all four smart contracts. 5.We have used IPFS also to store our Images and Metadata in decentralized way. 6.TO store Data on IPFS we have used 7.In front-end we have used Wagmi an Etherjs to connect with wallet and to interact with blockchain. 8.We have used Apollo to fetch data from sub graph.

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