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Remlo App

Enable crypto native users to send USDC as remittance using Celo's MiniPay app.

Remlo App

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

This project leverages Celo's Minipay app as a remittance tool. MiniPay currently only supports cUSD, a dollar stablecoin on the Celo blockchain. Using our dApp - Remlo - individuals will be able to seamlessly send cross-border remittance using any token to their friends and families.

How it's Made

MiniPay: This likely served as the foundational framework for building the application, providing the necessary infrastructure for managing payments and transactions.

Celo Composer Starter Kit: The frontend was developed using this starter kit, which includes Next.js, Vercel, and Wagmi. Next.js is a React framework that allows for server-side rendering and easy routing. Vercel provides deployment and hosting services, ensuring the application is accessible online. Wagmi could be a custom library or tool used for specific functionalities related to Celo blockchain integration.

Uniswap V3: The automatic token swap mechanism to convert to cUSD was implemented using Uniswap V3 within the project's smart contract. Uniswap technology abstracts the complexities of token swapping, providing a seamless experience for users. It likely involves utilizing Uniswap's smart contract functions within the project's own smart contract to facilitate token swaps. Viem: Viem was utilized, likely for its type-safe modules that interface with Ethereum. This choice could have provided a smoother developer experience, especially for frontend developers who might be new to smart contract interaction. Viem is known for its simplicity and ease of integration with various libraries and frameworks. USDC (USD Coin): USDC was chosen as the stablecoin for the project due to its rapid global payments, 24/7 financial markets, stability, and regulatory compliance. It's regulated and fully reserved, providing transparency and security for users. Additionally, USDC transactions settle instantly worldwide, ensuring fast and efficient payment processing.

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