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Renaissance of NFTs

A paradigm to utilize existing WEB2.5 infrastructures (including Mask Network, Safe AA, Chainlink Functions, etc.) to revive NFT IPs and onboard WEB2 users through socialized gaming.

Renaissance of NFTs

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

In this hackathon, we created a little card-based game called "Loot the World" to showcase our idea. The game allows players to have fun on famous NFT IPs (BAYC, Otherside from Yuga Labs for example) across different chains (e.g. Ethereum, Polygon, BSC), EVEN THOUGH they don't actually own those NFTs. The players can be connected through social media like Twitter and Discord, using ENS, Lens, Unstoppable Domains, etc. Through these social relationships, players are able to "LOOT" (with conditions) their connections' NFTs for their own fun! Apart from card game battling, the game is also connected to a DeFi contract specific to the game, increasing the fun economically.

How it's Made

  1. Used Web3Auth service (Safe AA etc.) for user login.
  2. Used Yuga Labs / ApeCoin IPs to attract WEB2 users (considering many celebrities like Stephen Curry and Snoop Dogg have brought the IPs to the WEB2 users).
  3. Used Mask Network, Next ID, Chainlink Functions (with Twitter API) to get social graph / social relationship among users, enabling the "LOOTing" fun.
  4. Used Push Protocol to notify the NFT owners to tease them and tempt/intimidate them to come and play the game.
  5. Used ERC-6551 to enable more intuitive and convenient game asset structure. It also makes cross-chain game asset management and the related DeFi part easier.
  6. Used Filecoin for our storage services.
  7. Used Hyperlane and Wormhole for all our cross-chain messaging.
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