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We built a NFT auction house to enable people to mint NFTs for their real-world assets to auction them. In that way, we add more utility to real-world assets like gold coins, historical money, stamps and paintings..


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

Project Description: Auction house for real-world assets

Our NFT auction-platform provides a cutting-edge marketplace where buyers and sellers can converge to engage in seamless transactions for real-world assets. Through a structured and secure process, we enable sellers to mint NFTs representing their valuable assets, while buyers can bid on these NFTs in an auction-style format. The result is an efficient, transparent, and trust-enhancing system for asset ownership transfer.

Key Features: Seller ID Validation: To ensure the authenticity and trustworthiness of sellers, we employ a rigorous ID validation process. Sellers must verify their identities, adding an extra layer of security and credibility to the platform.

NFT Minting: Sellers have the ability to mint NFTs that encapsulate essential information about their assets. The minting process includes critical details such as asset description, pricing, and certification.

Auction Listing: Once the NFT is minted, sellers can list their assets for auction on our platform. The auction mechanism is designed to foster competitive bidding, thereby maximizing the asset's potential value.

Automated Crypto Locking: To demonstrate a buyer's commitment during the auction, our platform automatically locks the bid amount in cryptocurrency. This feature guarantees that only serious buyers participate, enhancing the efficiency and integrity of the auction process.

Ownership Transfer: Upon the auction's conclusion, the winning bidder gains ownership rights over the NFT representing the asset. As NFTs are inherently unique and indivisible, the successful bidder now possesses a digital certificate of ownership for the real-world asset.

How it's Made

The project aims to create a mobile app that allows users to interact with tokenised assets on the Filecoin and IPFS decentralized storage networks. The app leverages WalletConnect for secure authentication and transaction signing.

WalletConnect Integration: In this project, WalletConnect is integrated into the mobile app built using React Native. The app acts as a client for users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets securely.

Filecoin & IPFS: In this project, IPFS is used to store the digital artwork files. When a user uploads artwork like stamps through the app, the file is distributed across the IPFS network, ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance.

Use of the nouns artwork: The project includes artwork from the popular nouns NFT collection (CC0 license). We used the nouns font, icons and color scheme.

Celo testnet: we deployed our contracts to alfajores testnet to leverage the marketplace on Celo.

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