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Rent-EZ is a Marketplace for Sporting-Goods Rental, ensures seamless transactions, with the added flexibility of collateral options, RentEZ goes the extra mile to make your rental experience even more rewarding.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

RentEZ fix the need for a secure and transparent marketplace for renting sport items. Owners effortlessly list items with personalized details, enabling renters to make informed choices. The payment system automates transactions, ensuring security with a 50% upfront payment upon delivery and the remaining 50% upon return. What sets RentEZ apart is its emphasis on collateral—a trust deposit that enhances affordability and builds trust between parties. The more collateral provided, the lower the rental fees and the greater the exclusive perks, creating a unique dynamic where renting becomes akin to borrowing. This collateral, which can include cryptocurrencies and assets like NFTs, serves as a deposit of trust, temporarily held to support the transaction. The return of collateral upon the safe and timely return of the rented item not only fosters trust but also translates the initial investment into long-term savings and exclusive benefits. Positive interactions are rewarded form of Reputation NFTs by levels. RentEZ not only addresses the practicalities of secure payments but also delves into the psychological aspect of trust, we are a platform that not only facilitates transactions but transforms the rental experience into a mutually beneficial and confidence-inspiring endeavor.

How it's Made

Building RentEZ involved a combination of technologies.The frontend of the platform was crafted using the Web3Modal SDK, React, Typescript, and Next.js, providing a dynamic and responsive user interface. The styling was implemented using Tailwind CSS, enhancing the overall aesthetics and user experience.

The backend was built with Node.js. The implementation of SC, was carried out using Solidity and Hardhat. To streamline user interaction with our dapp, we integrated the Web3Modal SDK on the frontend, simplifying authentication and connection to web3 wallets. Furthermore, i also incorporated the Alchemy API provider. In the development and testing process of smart contracts, Remix development environment was also used.

The payment system was estabalish on the smart contract on mumbai tesnet. (there are some improvements to do).

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