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Report DAO

ReportDAO is a decentralized crowdfunding platform that empowers users to request and fund web scraping reports

Report DAO

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

ReportDAO is a decentralized crowdfunding platform that empowers users to request and fund web scraping reports. Simply submit a website URL, description, and funding goal to request a new report. Other users can then contribute cryptocurrency to fund the report. Once the funding goal is met, the report is generated and delivered to all contributors. With ReportDAO, you can access valuable data insights through a transparent, community-driven process.

How it's Made

The application leverages various technologies and libraries, including wagmi for interacting with Ethereum wallets, shadcn for UI components, and Arbitrum for scalability and lower transaction fees. Smart Contract The core functionality of ReportDAO is implemented in a Solidity smart contract deployed on the Arbitrum network. The smart contract defines the following key functions: requestReport: Allows users to submit a new report request by providing a website URL, description, and funding goal. fundReport: Enables users to contribute funds (cryptocurrency) towards a report's funding goal. completeReport: Allows the ReportDAO team or a designated party to mark a report as completed once the funding goal is met. Frontend The ReportDAO frontend is built using Next.js, a React framework for server-rendered applications. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the smart contract and managing report requests. Key features include: Request a New Report: Users can fill out a form to submit a new report request, specifying the website URL, description, and funding goal. Fund the Report: Users can view a list of open report requests and contribute funds towards their funding goals using their cryptocurrency wallets (connected via wagmi). Report Completion: Once a report's funding goal is met, the ReportDAO team or a designated party can mark the report as completed through the frontend interface. Receive the Report: Users who contributed funds can access and download the completed report. The frontend also utilizes shadcn, a library of accessible and customizable UI components, to provide a visually appealing and user-friendly interface.

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