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Unlock the power of decentralized consensus with RepuScore! 🚀 Our DAO tooling project for the hackathon, revolutionizing reputation-based decision-making in the blockchain space. #DAO #RepuScore #hackathon #blockchain


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🥉 Gnosis Chain — Best Use

🤝 Nouns — Best Public Good

Project Description

RepuScore is a groundbreaking DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) tooling project that we're excited to present at this hackathon. At its core, RepuScore seeks to revolutionize the way reputation-based decision-making takes place within the blockchain space.

The driving concept behind RepuScore is the idea that the efficacy and fairness of decision-making within DAOs can be greatly enhanced by incorporating a more sophisticated, dynamic system of reputation scoring. Currently, many DAOs operate on a model where each token equals one vote, a system that does not necessarily reflect the true value that each participant brings to the organization.

RepuScore introduces a multi-dimensional reputation scoring system, taking into account factors such as the longevity of involvement, the extent of participation in decision-making processes, the success of proposed initiatives, and contributions to the community. This innovative approach creates a more nuanced, meaningful measure of reputation that goes beyond simple token ownership.

Our tool is designed to be flexible and customizable, enabling DAOs to select and weight the reputation factors that are most relevant to their specific goals and values. It's built to be blockchain-agnostic, meaning it can integrate with any existing DAO irrespective of the underlying blockchain used.

We believe that RepuScore can significantly enhance the democracy, efficiency, and inclusivity of DAOs. By rewarding active, thoughtful participation and long-term commitment, we aim to promote a more engaged, cohesive, and effective DAO community.

In a nutshell, RepuScore is a project that seeks to redefine the standards of decision-making within DAOs, making them more democratic, inclusive, and reflective of the true value of their members. We can't wait to unveil it at the hackathon!

How it's Made

The development of RepuScore involved a sophisticated blend of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and a bit of data science to create the multi-dimensional reputation scoring system. The project was primarily built using Solidity for the smart contract development, TypeScript/React for the frontend.

On the blockchain side, we used Ethereum as the base platform due to its robust smart contract capabilities and wide acceptance in the DAO space. The smart contracts, written in Solidity, are at the heart of RepuScore. They are responsible for maintaining the reputation scores of DAO members, updating scores based on the defined criteria, and serving as the authority during voting processes.

The frontend, built with React, presents a user-friendly interface for DAO members to view their reputation scores, participate in votes, and view the history of their contributions and the impacts on their scores.

One of the sponsor technologies we used was Gnosis blockchain, which provides a robust solid platform for our system. Another sponsor technology we used is ERC 6551, which allowed us to represent the way we keep track of DAO users' reputation. We've also incorporated the Sismo protocol which allows to verify certain attributes about DAO users' identity. Moreover, we've deployed our smart contracts on the Linea blockchain, which a scalable and a modern solution.

A particularly "hacky" solution that we're proud of was our approach to handling the multi-dimensionality of reputation scores. Instead of storing a single score, we created a vector of scores for each member, with each dimension of the vector representing a different aspect of the member's contributions. This allowed us to calculate a final score based on a weighted average, where the weights could be customized by each DAO.

Through a combination of these technologies and some innovative problem-solving, we were able to piece together RepuScore, a tool that we believe can significantly enhance decision-making within DAOs.

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