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The idea is to create a generic reputation system which is blockchain compatible. Making this high-visiblity system on blockchain will allow a lot of analytics in this space.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

A reputation system for multi-party system. We define a Merchant and a Customer.

This seeks to reduce the pain-points of the existing system such as Merchant-centric review framework, bias driven reviews and wrong-category ratings.

  • Blockchain based highly-visible review system to run analytics and make this data oriented.
  • Reward/Slash system to allow users to express accurate reviews while being held accountable.
  • Introduces a REP token to incentivize participation.
  • Has both consumer friendly features and business protection built-in. Gives power to both the parties.

How it's Made

Its still in ideation. There are a lot of challenges that I need to resolve as I move forward such as

  • Making this work would be a challenge. Apart from the insane calculations and real-life scenarios we will need to incorporate, we need to make reviewers feel valued. This should always accept a review from the reviewer while not hurting a genuine business from growing. Both parties need to have power in this.
  • There are a lot of risks which we need to mitigate - User geo-locations and habits can be easily exposed by adding reviews. We need to enable a system of anonymity to keep users safe while tracking and updating their scores.
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