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Requesto - Crypto and NFT Requests

Requesto enables anyone to request a wallet address / ENS / Unstoppable domain for crypto & NFTs on the supported chains and fulfil these requests straight through the platform. Along with notifications and chat, Requesto also generates a QR / unique payment link for each request

Requesto - Crypto and NFT Requests

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

🥈 Unstoppable — Best use of Login with Unstoppable

🏊‍♂️ Unstoppable — Pool Prize

🥉 Covalent — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

Project Description

Requesto is a web3 platform that enables anyone to request a wallet address / ENS / Unstoppable domain for crypto / NFTs on the supported chains and fulfil them straight through the platform itself. Through EPNS protocol, receivers of the request can also be notified of updates on their Requesto platform - such as request receiving, rejecting, or fulfilment. Requesto also provides an option to generate a unique payment link / QR code for each request enabling easy sharing of request details. Through Requesto's inbuilt chat feature users can message their requestors of any concerns powered by the XMTP protocol.By using Requesto you can also send batch requests enabling you to request from multiple address / domains at once. All requests in the platform are completely free and stored on IPFS along with the private key signature of the sender to ensure security. These IPFS CIDs are stored in an off-chain DB for efficiency and low-costs.

How it's Made

We built our project using React.js for the frontend along with Express for the backend. We are storing all request data in IPFS along with the private key signature of the request sender. All the request coming to the backend is validated using the signature, and only then the IPFS CID of the request is stored in our off-chain DB (MongoDB). We are using IPFS http client powreed by Infura API to get a CID and also using infura's ipfs gateway to resolve cids. When users are requesting for NFTs, we are validating whether the user being requested has the NFT being asked for - this is carried out using the NFT Port API which helps us avoid unnecessary requests. All notifications on the platform are carried out using the EPNS protocol - using the targeted notification and subset notification features. Our channel on EPNS is created on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet through which users can receive notifications by opting in. When users connect their wallet to our website, they also receive a request to opt-in. Once opted in, they can receive notifs on request updates - new request, rejected request and accepted requests. For batch request, we are using EPNS subset notification to send requests to all the receivers. We are using the XMTP protocol to enable chat between the request sender and receiver. We are also using and providing login with unstoppable feature powered by the Web3 Modal. Through our multiple wallet support, users can also send requests to ens domains and unstoppable domains apart from wallet addresses. For payment requests, we are using covalent API to validate transaction completion in the backend before marking a request as complete. We are also using the Unstoppable domains API to display the unstoppable domain using reverse lookup in the home page.

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