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The ultimate web3 review-to-earn platform, empowering businesses and startups with specialized reviews and vibrant communities for product success in the blockchain world.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

The fact that 92 percent of all blockchain projects fail shouldn’t come as a surprise, to anyone who’s ever taken a look at the projects which occupy the latter half of the market capitalization rankings — where absurd, cheap, and fraudulent projects redefining the term “shitcoin” abound.

These are facts that show that investors, crypto-traders, web3 enthusiasts, and all others playing in the web3 space are losing money and the losses are too enormous compared to the expected impact web3 has as a solution to the world’s economy. All these are expected but then problems like these are expected to be solved and that is where we are introducing is a review-to-earn web3 community-driven platform of specialized reviewers that opens up new and existing businesses/web3 projects like tokens, DAOs, and trading platforms. also helps entirely new projects built on blockchain with verified product testers/reviewers across web3 spaces that interact with software applications, and new products and share reviews to boost product efficiency, functionality, user experience and performance, product market validation, and penetration. is a review-to-earn platform with a devoted community of web3 specialized reviewers that review new and existing businesses/web3 projects like tokens, DAOs, and trading platforms. also helps new startups built on blockchain get product testing reviews from verified project reviewers across the web3 space while helping develop their initial community. Applications using’s review-to-earn platform will receive valuable feedback from users who share reviews on how to boost product efficiency, functionality, user experience and performance, product market validation, and penetration. All while building an existing community and dispersing token supply for valuable feedback before the main product launch.

How it's Made

We're using a number of Ethereum and partner technologies because we're cool like that. Our startup idea is implemented on scroll testnet. We use Sismo to verify our independent reviewers. AI to filter out fake or spam reviews. Figma to create a beautiful and functional design for our project. Our back-end developer had to leave the last day to pursue personal project so we lack some functionality but other than that, we're proud of what we achieved and how well we collaborated

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