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Revolte - Join the Web3 Onboarding Adventure!

Revolte - An interactive novel to onboard Web2 users to Web3

Revolte - Join the Web3 Onboarding Adventure!

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Join the Web3 revolution with Revolte!

Our adventure game introduces users to the world of blockchain, wallets, tokens, and more, with mandatory tasks like wallet installation to guide players through the story. Explore real Web3 applications and experience the potential of this transformative technology.

How it's Made

With this adventure game we’re trying to help people get into web3 without scaring them off with all the complicated technical stuff.

Simply follow the adventure, no additional instruction is required. Each chapter has different objectives, as described below, to enter smoothly into Web3 and into our world...

  • Chapter 1 is live! It leads to the installation of the wallet for the newcomers. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the story and make the world we’ve created feel more real and interesting.

  • Chapter 2: this one is for the users to experiment (on the testnet) the basics of web3, like making a transaction, swap, using a bridge, nft… This chapter (split in several episodes). Some episodes have already been released.

  • Chapter 3 (on the mainnet). This chapter will be dedicated to showcase existing protocols and integrate them in our story. Users will have to interact with those protocols, as if it was part of the story, to continue the adventure. The number of episodes is not limited (one protocol per episode will be showcased).

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