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Rexo is the next-gen social network. Each account is associated with a unique person in the world. They can only publish one unique review for places and experiences they have actually attended. Committed to privacy, we offer secure, trustworthy reviews.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Worldcoin - Best Governance App

Project Description

Online reviews are plagued by fake content, originating from false accounts, competitors, or trolls. This widespread issue leads to significant business impacts, with an estimated $152 billion lost in 2021 due to deceptive reviews.

This is why we built Rexo : a social network with no bots, where people can set only one review on restaurants where they have necessarily been. We've created a space where verified humans share genuine experiences about restaurants and their lifestyle.

Key features include: Posting and Highlighting: Users can post reviews and blog posts, highlighting their favorite spots. Verified Reviews on Maps: Access to maps with verified reviews of restaurants and lifestyle venues. Interaction and Monetization: Users can upvote content, create monetizable posts, and interact with others and restaurants via chat. Anonymous yet Verified Reviews: Ability to leave reviews without revealing identity, while ensuring the user's authenticity. Friend Maps Interaction: Engage with friends' maps Our vision for Rexo is to evolve into a trusted hub for all review-based interactions, covering hangouts, products, and services. The platform's social nature fosters a community where the advice and reviews of friends are integral, encouraging meaningful interactions and shared experiences. Rexo is more than a platform; it's a revolution in review perception and interaction, with each profile being human-owned, authentic, accessible at scale, and by design.

How it's Made

We built everything on Polygon because of the scalability and the low cost. We even redeployed EAS on it. Restaurants create their profiles, and offer qr codes to scan to incoming visitors. The users then receives and EAS that enable them to make a unique review about the restaurant. They can then share their review through lens.

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