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Rock Paper Ninja

A web3 take on Rock Paper Scissors. Play matches, win tokens, and have fun! Each game is equipped with live video and chat options to keep it entertaining. Create generative avatars and secure your unique game IDs. Coming soon to Unity.

Rock Paper Ninja

Created At

HackFS 2024

Winner of

Filecoin - Honorable Mentions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Rock Paper Scissors done via the blockchain. Users can create a match, bet ETH, play rock paper scissors, then receive their winnings. Games are stored and used to train an AI on how to best play for a killer NPC versus match.

This is a POC for what can become an amazing AR/VR game in Unity. The goal is to make all the amazing partner technologies work nicely together and we think we're on the right track.

How it's Made

We have a ScaffoldETH project with smart contracts for the game and NFTs are as well as the frontend built with NextJS.

The game lobby and room mechanics are all set up via Hudle01. Real time chat and video as well as the the game data being wired through the room messaging and the game results uploaded to the smartcontract and IPFS.

The user profiles can be extended with generative AI NFTs powered by Lillypad as well as custom usernames powered by subdomains of our ENS domain.

In the future we want to bring all of this to Unity using the partner SDKs for an immersive, exciting and lucrative game mechanics and experience.

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