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Safe module that automatically offramps into fiat to Gnosis pay


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

Rolo combines the strengths of Safe modules with the ease of use of Gnosis Pay. When users register on Rolo, a Safe smart account is automatically created for them. They can then configure it to specify both the receive token and the destination token. This setup initiates a 24/7/365 listener for incoming transactions of that token. Upon detecting an incoming transaction, a transaction from an authorized signer is triggered towards the safe module. This action swaps the received tokens into the desired destination fiat token and transfers them to Gnosis Pay, allowing users to spend money as they would with any credit card. In the case of EURe, users also have the option to transfer tokens to Monerium for a bank transfer.

How it's Made

On login we use Tenderly to provide seamless onboarding UX and Pimlico to create the Safe smart accounts, then we initialize that smart account adding the custom module created here to swap 2 tokens in Balancer V2. For transaction detection we use Tenderly and trigger the hook when a entry token transfer event to the Safe address is heard. Finally after the Balancer V2 swap is finished we transfer the EURe into a Gnosis pay address, thereby making the funds available for the user's use.

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