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route finance

Introducing Route Protocol - Supercharge FVM Payments Infrastructure using FIL + Fiat

route finance

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Solve the challenges of token requirements for various dapps Provides 3 currency options for the final settlement – USD, EUR, INR, and can include other local / global currencies Configurable Payment options for Buyer – Card, Fiat and FIL Payments

Route will enable onboarding both web3-natives and non-web3-natives (organizations and individual) into the FVM Ecosystem

How it's Made

Tell us about how you built this project; the nitty-gritty details. What technologies did you use? How are they pieced together? If you used any sponsor technologies, how did it benefit your project? Did you do anything particuarly hacky that's notable and worth mentioningTell us about how you built this project; the nitty-gritty details. What technologies did you use? How are they pieced together? If you used any sponsor technologies, how did it benefit your project? Did you do anything particuarly hacky that's notable and worth mentioning

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