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Ensuring authenticity, elevating supply chain operations: Provenance powered by Route


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

The counterfeit products are serious problem in the world and its sales reach around $1.7 trillion to $4.5 trillion according to Forbes. We aim to solve this issue by leveraging the blockchain technology. Route is an interactive platform that allows users to track and verify the history of a product, from the time it was manufactured till when it was shipped. With provenance, you can have confidence in your purchasing decisions, knowing that the product you're buying is genuine. Following are few key features which streamlines the SCM channel:

  • Register authorised individual: Manufacture can add products and distributor can update the status
  • Add new product: Provide the product details with unique ID
  • Update product status: Distributor can update the product status with live location
  • Check provenance: Get product history by inputting product ID
  • Explore the listed products: Scan QR code & get the product live status

The platform's most distinctive aspect is its ability to ensure scalability and efficient supply chain operations over Scroll and Mantle. The smart contracts handle these operations, and the integration of QR code-based product verification streamlines the process for every consumer.

How it's Made

This user-friendly UX is created using NextJS, TailwindCSS, and Chakra-UI. Behind the scenes, typescript connects those functions which handle the product data and access controls. The smart contract is written in Solidity to develop the functions that securely stores product details, daily status, and the utility of tracking. It is deployed on the Scroll Testnet and Mantle testnet. We've designed Route in such a way that it helps the guest users to verify just by QR code. The goal is to provide simple UI and efficient channels for SCM harnessing zkRollup.

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