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Safdoc is a secure document storage solution that keeps you document safe aas possible by multiple layers of protection like 2FA, Biometric verification.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

SafDocs is a comprehensive and highly secure document storage platform that leverages cutting-edge technologies to safeguard sensitive information. Here's a detailed breakdown of its key components:

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): To access your docs in SafDocs, users must go through a two-factor authentication process. This typically involves verification of your wallet and step 2 involves biometric verification only after completing these one can access their docs. 2FA adds an extra layer of security, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access. SafDocs employs biometric authentication methods to verify the user's identity. Biometric data, unique to each individual, includes fingerprints, facial features, or iris patterns. This ensures that only authorized users can access the stored documents.

SafDocs utilizes smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the contract terms directly written into code. The platform uses Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technology provided by Scroll Network, enabling seamless communication with the smart contracts. SafDocs utilizes Web3 storage technology provided by IPFS, allowing the secure off-chain storage of large files and data. Web3 storage solutions like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) provide decentralized and efficient data storage, combining the benefits of blockchain security with scalable data management.

Safdocs makes sure that the confidential data and files uploaded by our users remains safe and secure by providing multiple layer of protection like two factor authorization , biometric verification and storing the files in the decentralized storage solution provided by IPFS , makes sure that no centralized authority can tamper,misuse or leak your precious and confidential data making it the most safe and secure document storing platform. No one can access your data without verifying biometric data linked to that particular account. If users wishes to share these docs with someone he can add their biometric data on our platform and it will give them access to the data linked to that particular account.

How it's Made

The project uses Javascript,CSS, Tailwind CSS and HTML for Frontend Development and Our smartcontract is made using Solidity, Our platform uses Web3storage solution provided by IPFS for storing the docs uploaded by our users on the platfrom. The smartcontract is deployed on the scroll sepolia testnet.

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