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Safe Fox

Safe Fox - Safe multisig inside MetaMask. The MetaMask snap allows to operate with Safe wallets directly from MetaMask

Safe Fox

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

The Safe Fox project is a MetaMask snap designed to seamlessly handle Safe multisig wallets within the MetaMask. Main objectives are twofold:

  1. Streamlined management - enable users to efficiently oversee their Safe multisig wallets directly from MetaMask, simplifying their handling.
  2. Expanded Account Abstraction - enhance the appeal of Safe multisig wallets by enabling accounts that aren't typically compatible (Non-EVM accounts) to utilize Safe multisigs through specialized derived EVM accounts.

How it's Made

The main idea to achieve improved account abstraction is for a snap to interact with other snaps that are responsible for the corresponding protocols. As soon as I started to figure out how this could be built, I ran into problems that hindered progress. A temporary solution has been found, but another solution will be needed to progress further.

The next problem was at the transaction execution stage. Snaps do not allow to make low-level calls, so the only solution was to use Relay, which could not be made to work. This will have to be dealt with yet.

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