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Safe MMSnap

A MetaMask Snap that adds Safe multisig wallets support to MetaMask.

Safe MMSnap

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project adds Safe multisig wallets support to MetaMask using the new MetaMask Keyring Snaps feature. Users can see the wallets' balance, as well as propose new transactions in the same way as how on-chain transactions are normally created in MetaMask, without creating the transaction using the website.

How it's Made

This project is based on MetaMask's template-snap to create a snap, and uses Safe's API Kit and Protocol Kit to interact with the Safe Transaction Service. Unfortunately, because the Safe SDKs cannot run in the highly restricted MetaMask Snap environment, and because MetaMask does not allow Snaps to sign transactions, transactions have to be completed with the help of a webpage and cannot be done entirely within the MetaMask UI.

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