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Safe Store

Safe Extensions Store : A marketplace of plugins for your safe smart accounts.

Safe Store

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

It's a fork of the safe core protocol demo repo. It's a marketplace to get useful plugins for your safe account. One can add their own plugins and get rated by the users.

There are two main plugin feeds, discover where you can find all the plugins added by every user and the installed feed is plugins you have added to your safe account.

The owner of the registry can remove any plugins (under the hood it's being flagged by the contract, so the plugin owner can not exploit others who have installed it already). The owner can check all the removed plugins in the removed page.

Anyone can add their own PLugin, just they have to follow the Metadata as per the Whitelist Plugin in this repo.

One super helpful feature is the ability to rate and review, which gives others some information about the quality of the plugin or can give scam alerts.

How it's Made

It fork of, which is based on react, and safe protocol SDKs.

Using a safe protocol registry & manager to make the marketplace and allow others to submit. On finding a loophole or if an extension is maliciously compromised we can disable is using the check method of the registry.

Images like icons of plugins & screenshots are stored using Web3 Storage.

Reviews data is stored on blockchain using Tableland.

Using gelato relay wherever possible, to give a smooth experience.

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