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On chain yield farming for Ethereum based LP tokens and index tokens (unshETH, ankrETH-ETH on curve ... etc.)


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Current leveraged yield farming solutions like sturdy finance and aave, increases centralization of ETH staking by concentrating leveraged flows into a few players. Saturn finance expands the amount of ETH. These eth pools, especially newer ones, will pay more, so offering leverage for these solutions can increase their TVL more quickly. Not only does this offer better rates on staking and re-staking, but it also increases decentralization.

How it's Made

This project uses the Unsheth codebase primarily written in JS, with some solidity as a compiled solutions. Unsheth is an LST index fund, so by increasing leverage into unsheth, eth is split through their decentralization solution. Additionally, we used Figma to create our high fidelity mockup to truly create solution.

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