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Sav3r the Dapp that uses blockchain to combat food waste. t's a real answer to the problem of food waste. Operating on the Ethereum, Polygon and Scroll chains, our Dapp is powered by our own SV3R token, an ERC-20 inherited from BAYC..


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Sav3r, our revolutionary decentralised application, is much more than just a gateway between retailers and consumers. It's a real answer to the problem of food waste. Operating on the Ethereum, Polygon and Scroll chains, our Dapp is powered by our own SV3R token, an ERC-20.

The key element of our project lies in the representation of each anti-waste basket by an ERC-20 token, offering users the possibility of staking these tokens to retrieve their baskets.

The SV3R token, much more than a simple unit of value, is in fact tangible proof of the impact you are having on reducing food waste. Its value is calculated according to two key elements: the money saved (in euros) and the quantity of food saved (in kilograms). This data comes directly from our merchant database. Thanks to our sponsoring partner, GraphQL, our database is directly linked to our smart contract, ensuring seamless integration.

It is essential to note that our smart contract does not store any of these values. Instead, it acts as a bridge between off-chain and on-chain data, making it possible to measure the real environmental impact of each user, which is then represented by the SV3R token.

On the off-chain side, our merchant database is a mine of information. It details each anti-waste basket, including its category, its composition, its initial market price, its final price on our Dapp, and the saving made between these two prices. This rich, detailed information contributes to the transparency and traceability of our platform.

On the on-chain side, the SV3R token is the digital asset that represents the true ecological footprint of each user. User wallet addresses are stored on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring security and integrity. Our smart contract acts as a bridge between these two worlds, making it easier to measure and reward the real impact on reducing food waste.

As a user, you connect directly to our Dapp by authenticating via your Ethereum wallet.

Sav3r is more than a Dapp, it's a movement for a sustainable future, powered by blockchain and driven by people determined to make a difference."

How it's Made

ApeCoin (ERC-20 Token): ApeCoin serves as the project's primary ERC-20 token.

Scroll: Used for smart contract development.

Wallet Connect: Enables user authentication via Ethereum wallets.

React: Powers the frontend user interface.

Foundryup: Provides a CLI for smart contract development.

The Graph: Used to bring off-chain data onto the blockchain for transparency and traceability.

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