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An AI and XR social media app for sports fans built on Chilliz. We sell fan tokens that give fans access to exclusive AI, XR and online immersive experiences and assets


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Chiliz - Fan Utility Projects 1st place

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

We used Chilliz to mint fan tokens in a social media feed. The fan tokens allow users to access custom GPTs which are trained on custom data sets. The custom data sets are processed using Filecoin and fed into AI agents that users can access in the social media app. We also created an original AR experience that can be viewed in Adobe Aero by scanning a QR code. The important thing about Scorpion is it is secure, decentralised, ID verifies all accounts, and gives fans access to exciting new immersive experiences.

How it's Made

  • Cross platform application with WorldCoin authentication integration
    • We used Auth0 and worldcoin to allow users to login using their WorldCoin id. Therefore there is no need for users to input and expose their private data. The Id is verified via WorldCoin.
  • Tokenised multiple elements of the sports industry. Football clubs, epic sport moments, legendary figures etc. Here is the NFT deployment on the Chiliz testnet chain of our Football club tokenisation:
    • All NFT data is stored in IPFS/Filecoin via NFTStorage
  • We mine sports news data from various feeds and upload then to filecoin for decentralisation and general availability.
    • These are then ingested by our RAG services and feed customised prompt-tuned OpenAI assistants with which users can interact via the application to get the latest updates about their teams/players/matches.
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