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Selfy is an all-in-one privacy-preserving solution allowing you to create your digital profile by fetching off-chain & on-chains data. This is similar to a passport represented by an evolutive SBT based on the actions performed.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Deploy a Smart Contract

🎨 Nouns DAO — Best Artwork Use

Project Description

This project idea came from a personal issue to share reputation without revealing private information. Some apps are already tracking specific data about online activity, but most are incomplete. Selfy’s goal is to aggregate reputation from many sources & projects to build the most complete user profile while offering granularity in the data privacy management.

This reputation aggregator app can be split into several parts: Passport: Avatar SBT evolutive based on Stamps Stamps: Achievements claimed Snaps: Mint of a specific design on another chain

Selfy’s deployment will happen in several phases, beginning with the passport creation as a first step – that’s the main focus for this hackathon. Other independant components can be added later.

The passport creation allows users to mint an avatar which will evolve depending on the achievements. Both stamps & the avatar are materialized by SBTs received on the address used to log in. For this demo, several information can be fetched such as:

Proof of Luchadores DAO voter Proof of Nouns NFT Holder Proof of rAAVE Attendee Proof of events in common with dydymoon.lens Proof of main events Attendee Proof of stani.lens follower Proof of Selfy Team membership Proof of Gnosis chain forum membership Proof of OP Airdrop recipient Proof of Safe Multisig owner

Later on, we’ll work on adding more data such as: Mirror Author, Beacon Holder, Degen Score above X, ETH Rank, get delegation infos, specific POAP holders, activity in several DAOs, human verification, etc.

We could consider several layers of details available: Private & verified through Sismo Connect, which only shows if an achievement is reached. Possibility to import public data to legitimize the profile with socials. (Not implemented) Implement a premium feature allowing us to get more details on each achievement category (Not implemented) For this demo, we only focused on 1.

How it's Made

Selfy allows you to create an evolutive avatar based on your achievements. Here is a breakdown of the user flow:

Step 1: Users arriving on the app will need to sign-in with their mail or socials using Safe AuthKit, enabling the creation of a new EOA dedicated to the Selfy passport. Alternatively, it’s also possible to sign in with Ethereum and Lens. This address is the recipient for ERC-1155 representing users achievements and holding the evolutive avatar which is minted at the same time. We’ve used the Nouns API to generate the avatars design for this demo.

Step 2: Once the Selfy EOA is created, users are able to see all available stamps and claim the eligible ones. When claiming, the user will need to sign-in with Sismo Connect if they have an existing vault or create a new one to import the supported data such as Ethereum addresses, Twitter and Github.

Step 3: At this stage, the first iteration of the evolutive avatar has been minted and is visible on the passport page. Users are able to update it by checking & claiming their stamps on the associated page. If they’d like to save the current design, it’s possible to mint a Selfy Snap NFT.

Step 4: Users can decide if/which design they’d like to Snap and can mint on the addresses / networks they want via Metamask – even in GHO! Each achievement claimed, the avatar will evolve with a new attribute simultaneously. Stamps designs will be stored internally using filecoin.

Breakdown of the sponsor tech utilized: Sismo Connect & Sismo Vault Safe Auth Kit Nouns DAO API Filecoin Gnosis Chain GHO integration Scroll sc deployment Linea sc deployment Lens

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