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Semakh Protocol

This would provide a better environment for mobile users by leveraging zkp system (using circom and groth16``) to build up a protocol that can be used in all environments..

Semakh Protocol

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Wallets in web3 industry is not that friendly for mobile users. They have to download the wallet app and use the browser in the wallet app to launch a transaction to the contract or transfer tokens to other users.

This system would provide a better environment for mobile users by using a zk proof system to build up a protocol that can be used in all conditions.

How it's Made

This project refers RLN, Unirep and Semaphore to build up the zkp system with "circom", a DDL to write up the programming logic in the zkp circuits.

We used the idea of Account Abstraction to build up the users entrance into blockchain through this protocol. And last but not least, we also use Subgraph to query the tx from blockchain to make user know what is going on now.

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