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Send it!

A mobile app easing cross-border remittance for non-crypto geeks, social media web2 login, collective collateral, lending, and borrowing. Simplifying crypto to cash conversions with local intermediaries(exchangers)

Send it!

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥉 XMTP — Best Use

Project Description

Send It! is an innovative mobile application envisioned to revolutionize cross-border financial transactions especially addressing the challenges faced in third-world countries where individuals may lack the know-how to navigate cryptocurrency applications. Utilizing the robustness of blockchain technology, it provides a secure, transparent, and user-friendly platform for individuals to effortlessly send and receive money across geographical boundaries, with a primary focus on converting cryptocurrencies to local fiat currencies.

Key Features:

  1. User-Friendly Interface:

    • Simple sign-up, login, and account management processes.
    • Intuitive dashboard for viewing transaction history and accessing customer support.
  2. Localized Intermediaries:

    • Partnerships with local businesses and individual delivery personnel to facilitate the conversion from cryptocurrencies to local fiat currencies.
    • Ensuring local accessibility for crypto to fiat conversion.
  3. Blockchain Technology:

    • Transparent, traceable, and fraud-free transactions.
    • Significantly reduced transaction costs compared to traditional systems.
  4. Competitive Bidding System:

    • Market-driven pricing through intermediaries bidding for transactions.
  5. Lending, Borrowing, and Collective Collateral:

    • Users can lend, borrow, and pool resources to unlock loans within the app.
    • Community-driven financial support system fostering financial inclusivity.
  6. Charitable Contributions:

    • Transparent charitable donations facilitating global contributions to cherished causes.
  7. Additional Features:

    • Real-Time Tracking, Notifications, Multi-Language Support, and Educational Resources.
  8. Security Measures:

    • End-to-End Encryption ensuring secure communication and transactions.


Send It! is more than a financial tool; it stands as a beacon of financial inclusivity, community-driven support, and societal upliftment through charitable contributions. By dismantling traditional financial system barriers and simplifying cross-border transactions, Send It! aims to trigger a ripple effect of positive financial change resonating beyond individual users to a broader societal spectrum.

Future Aspirations:

The trajectory for Send It! is envisioned to evolve into a comprehensive financial ecosystem, continually adapting to its global user community's needs, and leading the frontier in leveraging blockchain technology for societal betterment.

How it's Made

for front end : Used react native SDK - to coed the front end UI for sending and receiving features

  • EXPO: to display graphical interface to mobile,
  • Third web : for wallet connection and integration, like metamask and rainbow kit
  • Ether JS: interact with frontend and smart contract
  • NextID : for social media onboarding integration like X twitter
  • Backend : Polygon smart contract , Mombai testnet network, hardhat framework
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