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Serial Pairs

An interface for evaluating the effectiveness of pair programming sessions to be part of a larger system for distributed software development.

Serial Pairs

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

This is a framework to support the organization of continual work on a project by scheduling a series of overlapping pair programming sessions. Adjacent pairs of developers have an overlap to allow the departing pair to commit all their work & brief the incoming pair of their progress. All work is both streamed and recorded. Participants recieve a base payment for being present for a session and recording a video. That compensation, however, can be more than doubled based on peer review performed either live or on the recording of the event.

The goal is to provide a resource for architects who have a reasonably well structured project description, but don't have the resources to build a development organization. Also, the recordings will capture the entire development process for the program, and, when combined with the review metadata should provide interested parties a live "blame" view of the author's thinking for each piece of code.

There are three primary interfaces used to orchestrate the endeavor: scheduling, execution, and review.

  • Scheduling allows pairs of programmers to bid on blocks in the schedule. The community votes as to which pair gets a particular slot.
  • Execution orchestrates getting the users the streaming keys for broadcasting their session and monitoring their participation so as to call in the backup if a team fails to show.

How it's Made

This program uses Livepeer for the live-streaming and recording of the pair programming sessions. It uses Ceramic for the storage of video and NFT metadata. It uses Next.js to deploy both the React frontend & an agent doing project management. NFT.Strorage is used to hold the information about ERC-1155 tokens used to gate various functionalities deployed to the FEVM.

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