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A payment solution that uses Account Abstraction and a secured method to transfer payment using email addresses or social logins (something that users are already familiar with). Leveraging AA's capabilities to facilitate cost-effective and instantaneous settlements.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Africa's crypto adoption is not great due to the cumbersomeness of using wallets. If developers can provide something that is already familiar to the users, it will get more adoption. The everyday person in Africa does not know or is afraid of using web3 because of Wallets, private keys, etc. and blockchain adoption has very little chance to penetrate the broader market, it is confined to a small number of Africans. What if we can use Account Abstraction to create a wallet address under the hood for the user, the user does not know there is a wallet address. They only register with an email address or phone (which they are already familiar with). This will onboard people who find it stressful to learn about wallet addresses.

How it's Made

Working with Safe, polygon. The Safe account abstraction template was used to quickly start off the project. Configuration was made to accept more chain that was not default to the template. Chains Like Polygon Mumbai, Scroll, and Mantle were given consideration while building. A smart contract with claimables was written with solidity and deployed to the Mumbai testnet, Scroll Sepolia testnet, and mantle testnet. Any new user that onboards can claim their claimables via any of these chains. Tableland Studio was used to create the user profile and the explorer tables to show the history of all transactions. Across and Wormholes was implemented to help users bridge multi-chains from one chain or token to another with ease. XMTP was used to help users chat among themselves.

Frontend was written with ReactJS.

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