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Ship IT

Deploy Solidity contracts effortlessly across multiple chains without worrying about gas fees or network setups. Just connect, upload, and deploy in one go!

Ship IT

Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

This project is a Solidity contract deployment service designed to simplify the process of deploying smart contracts across multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and Base. It aims to remove the common pain points developers face when deploying smart contracts, such as managing different network configurations, handling gas fees, and dealing with complex setups. By providing a streamlined, easy-to-use platform, the service allows developers to focus on building functionality rather than navigating the intricacies of blockchain infrastructure.

Key Features Multi-Chain Deployment: The platform supports deploying smart contracts across multiple blockchain networks simultaneously. Users can select their target networks, such as Ethereum, Polygon, or Base, and deploy their contract to all chosen chains in a single step. This eliminates the need to configure each network separately or repeat the deployment process multiple times.

Gas-Free Deployments: One of the major hurdles in deploying contracts is managing and paying for gas fees. Our platform automates this process by handling gas payments on behalf of the user, abstracting away the complexity of managing tokens and gas fees for multiple networks. Developers no longer need to worry about balancing wallets with native tokens for each chain they deploy to.

API-Driven Workflow: Users interact with the service primarily through an API key generated after connecting their wallet. This API key ensures secure access to the deployment system and enables the user to deploy contracts without needing to interact with lower-level blockchain details. It streamlines the process for developers who prefer using an API to manage their deployments programmatically.

Easy Wallet Integration with Web3Auth: To make onboarding smooth and secure, the platform integrates Web3Auth, allowing users to connect their wallets using popular authentication methods such as Google, Facebook, or existing crypto wallets like MetaMask. This eliminates the need for manual wallet management and private key handling, making the service accessible to users of all technical levels.

Upload Contract Artifact: Developers can upload their contract artifact (a JSON file containing the contract’s bytecode and ABI) via the web interface. This artifact is the compiled version of the Solidity contract and contains the necessary information for deploying the contract. The platform then processes this artifact for deployment across the selected blockchains, without requiring re-uploads or separate files for different networks.

Seamless Contract Deployment: Once the contract artifact is uploaded and the network(s) selected, the user simply clicks 'Deploy'. The platform takes care of the rest, automatically configuring the contract for the specified blockchains and deploying it without any further input from the user. This one-click deployment abstracts all the complexities, such as network configurations, transaction signing, and contract verification, making the process highly efficient.

Automated Network Management: The service automatically manages the necessary configurations and details for each blockchain. It ensures the contract is deployed under the correct conditions and optimizes the deployment process to avoid errors or misconfigurations that could occur if the user had to handle multiple networks manually.

Post-Deployment Information: After successful deployment, the platform provides the user with crucial details such as the contract address and transaction hash for each deployed contract. This information is important for verifying that the contract is live and operational on the selected blockchain(s).

Use Case and Target Audience This service is particularly valuable for developers who regularly work on decentralized applications (dApps) and require frequent contract deployments. It's ideal for startups, blockchain development agencies, or independent developers looking to build projects on multiple chains but who don’t want to deal with the hassle of managing deployments manually.

Key benefits include: Time Efficiency: Developers save significant time by eliminating the need to configure each network and manage deployment steps for each blockchain individually.

Cost Reduction: With automated gas fee management, developers no longer need to manage or fund gas for each network deployment.

Error Reduction: Automated processes for handling configuration and deployment reduce the likelihood of mistakes caused by manual handling of blockchain details.

Developer Experience: A seamless, easy-to-use interface and API enable developers to deploy contracts with minimal friction, improving the overall development experience.

Vision and Future Enhancements Our vision is to create the go-to platform for seamless smart contract deployment across all major blockchains. In the future, we plan to expand the platform with additional features:

Support for more blockchains like Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Optimism. Automated contract verification with services like Etherscan and Polygonscan. Advanced developer tools, such as contract versioning, environment-specific deployments (testnet, staging, mainnet), and more. Analytics and reporting, allowing users to track contract performance and interactions across multiple chains.

Conclusion This project aims to revolutionize how developers interact with blockchain networks by simplifying the process of deploying Solidity smart contracts. With an easy-to-use interface, Web3Auth wallet integration, and API-driven workflow, this service provides a powerful yet accessible solution to the growing complexity of multi-chain smart contract deployments. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a larger team, this platform is designed to help you deploy smart contracts quickly, efficiently, and without the typical headaches of blockchain management.

How it's Made

We have integrated Web3Auth to simplify wallet management for users. With Web3Auth, users can create and use a wallet without handling private keys, which is particularly useful since most development-related private keys don't hold actual currencies.

The frontend of the web app is built using Next.js along with the Shadcn UI library, ensuring a responsive and modern interface. On the backend, we utilized Node.js to manage the creation and deployment of user contracts to test networks. This architecture enables seamless interaction between the UI and the smart contract deployment process.

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