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Shortcuts allow users to send ETH to human readable addresses to bridge, swap, earn, mint or leverage directly from your wallet.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

We built two Shortcuts for ETHGlobal. Shortcuts are intended to make transacting in crypto simpler and safer. The only action a user ever has to do is send ETH & the rest is done by the Shortcut. Below we will outline what the Shortcuts do.

First Shortcut Ecosystem: Mantle Shortcut Name: onboard.onmantle.eth Desc: Onboards users to Mantle in 1 action, send ETH -> onboard.onmantle.eth Steps Saved:

  1. ETH swapped to MNT on Mainnet
  2. Approve MNT for bridge
  3. MNT deposited into Mantle Native Bridge

Second Shortcut Ecosystem: Scroll & SyncSwap Shortcut Name: ethusdc.onscroll.eth Desc: Helps onboard users and liquidity to Scroll by bridging and providing liquidity all in one transaction, send ETH -> ethusdc.onscroll.eth Steps Saved:

  1. ETH is bridged to Scroll via native bridge
  2. Upon arrival 50% of the ETH is swapped into USDC
  3. ETH + USDC is deposited into the liquidity pool on SyncSwap

How it's Made

Mantle: Users sends eth to shortcut => swapping eth to MNT token => depositing MNT through bridge to mantle network.

Scroll: Users sends eth to shortcut => cross-chain tx to scroll network => wrapping eth => swapping 50% of it to usdc => providing liquidity via SyncSwap

There are several technologies being used here, native bridges such as Mantle and Scroll. As well as swapping protocols like Uniswap and SyncSwap.

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