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Introducing 📣 Shout - a Farcaster Promotion tool ! A web app for businesses, DAOs, & creators to promote Casts&Frames 🚀. Connect your wallet, input the Warpcast link, set a budget (i.e. 0.1 ETH on Base), & choose your audience size. Start shouting now! #ShoutApp #PromotionTool


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

Shout 📢 is the game-changer for Farcaster promotions, tailor-made for businesses, DAOs, and super users lacking the tools to highlight their casts or community efforts. 🚀 It's a sleek web app empowering entities like Base, Nouns, and Apecoin to amplify their Farcaster presence. Note: Shout is deployed, live and fully functional; we actually tested the end-to-end use cases below and proved it works IRL!

How It Works 🛠️

  1. Visit: Head to Shout's website.
  2. Connect Wallet: Securely link your cryptocurrency wallet.
  3. Enter Warpcast URL: Specify the URL of the cast you wish to promote.
  4. Set a Budget: Allocate funds (e.g., 0.002 ETH on Base) for the promotion.
  5. Define Engagement: Establish criteria, like rewarding the first 10 recasters with ETH from your budget.
  6. Submit & Go Live: Your promotion launches with a click, boosting visibility in the Farcaster ecosystem.
  7. Farcaster users head over the Shout's (Scout) section to find which casts they can recast to earn ETH.

User Journeys on Shout 📢 [The Nouns Use Case] 🎨

  1. Creation and Innovation: A Farcaster creator and Noun superfan merges LilNoun and Noun NFTs using AI (Midjourney), creating a unique Noun-inspired collection. This showcases the endless possibilities within the NFT space.
  2. Showcasing on Warpcast: The innovative collection is then highlighted through Neynar Frame studio, creating a visually appealing frame on the creator's Warpcast profile.
  3. Community Engagement: The frame grabs the attention of the Noun DAO and Noun enthusiasts on Farcaster, deemed worthy of broader visibility.
  4. Promotion with Shout: A Noun aficionado uses Shout to boost the frame's presence, entering its Warpcast URL and setting the promotional wheels in motion.
  5. Support and Rewards: The promoter commits a budget to reward engaging community members, emphasizing support for creative work. This journey highlights Shout's role in fostering community engagement and supporting innovation, demonstrating collaboration within the Farcaster and Nouns wider ecosystem.

[The Base Use Case] 🌐

  1. Real-World Connection: At EthGlobal London, a Farcaster creator and Base superfan captures a moment with Base at the Base EthGlobal stand.
  2. Digital Sharing: The memorable photo is shared on Warpcast, giving the Farcaster community a glimpse into the EthGlobal Base experience.
  3. Captivating Content: The shared frame draws attention from a Base admin on Farcaster, recognizing its promotional potential.
  4. Leveraging Shout: Emulating the role of Base, a user (for demonstration purposes, acting as the promoter) uses our Shout web app to amplify the frame's reach by inputting its Warpcast URL.
  5. Commitment to Engagement: A budget is allocated for the promotion, with rewards set for active community interaction, underlining the value placed on community support. The Base Use Case illustrates Shout's utility in connecting real-world experiences with digital promotion, enhancing brand visibility and community interaction through shared moments and strategic amplification.

[The ApeCoin Use Case] 🦍

  1. Real-World Connection: At EthGlobal London, a Farcaster creator and ApeCoin superfan captures a special moment at the ApeCoin booth, merging the excitement of in-person experiences with the digital realm.
  2. Digital Sharing: This memorable photo is then shared on Warpcast, offering the Farcaster community an inside look at the EthGlobal ApeCoin experience, fostering a connection between the event and the digital audience.
  3. Captivating Content: The visibility of this shared frame catches the eye of ApeCoin enthusiasts on Farcaster, spotlighting its potential for broader promotional reach.
  4. Leveraging Shout: Assuming the role of ApeCoin for demonstration, a user uses Shout to boost the frame's visibility by submitting its Warpcast URL, showcasing the platform's capacity for amplification.
  5. Commitment to Engagement: The promoter sets aside a budget for this campaign, establishing rewards for the community's active participation, thereby reinforcing the importance of community support and interaction. This ApeCoin Use Case exemplifies Shout’s role in seamlessly integrating real-world interactions with digital promotion, underlining its effectiveness in enhancing brand visibility and fostering meaningful community engagement through shared experiences and strategic promotion efforts.

How it's Made

Behind the Scenes 🖥️ We built and deployed a smart contract on Base, holding ETH from promoters. This contract crucially holds and dispenses the promotional budget to users who actively engage with content by recasting. Our front-end design leverages Tailwind CSS for its intuitive, responsive design capabilities, paired with Vercel for seamless web hosting and deployment, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

A pivotal component of our project is the integration with Neynar APIs, which allowed us to fetch essential data from Farcaster, such as the recast counts and wallet addresses of participants. This integration enabled our smart contract to accurately distribute rewards, showcasing our innovative approach to enhancing user engagement within the Farcaster ecosystem.

We sponsor all of the recast payouts by triggering a cron job every 15 minutes from our accounts (which could be subject to change). This allows us to provide a seamless payment flow for Farcaster users.

Moreover, we employed a creative fusion of technology and art by processing nouns and lil nouns NFTs through the Midjourney AI, generating unique images. These images were then showcased in a frame gallery created with Neynar Frame Studio, adding a rich, visual layer to our project. Collaborations with communities like ApeCoin, Base, and Noun not only provided diverse content for testing our promotional functionalities but also underscored the communal spirit of Shout.

We also established a Shout channel and account on Warpcast to foster community engagement and feedback, inviting users to follow us and join the conversation.

Additionally, our hacky but effective use of AI for content creation and the strategic use of partnerships and collaborations highlight our commitment to driving visibility and engagement within the Farcaster community.

You can follow us at /shout and @shout on Farcaster!

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