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Let your employees trade your funds, or access the company Lens account, with zero trust!


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

๐ŸฆŠ Metamask โ€” Best Use of SDK

Project Description

A remote signing solution, with which a person can interact with any dapp on behalf of another without ever getting access to the private key. Furthermore, the owner of the key can restrict this access any time. The theoretical use case is employees, for instance traders, trading with company funds. The company doesn't want to risk the employees having access to private keys (in case they keep them after they quit), but at the same time the employees need the keys (e.g. through Metamask) to interact with dapps seamlessly.

How it's Made

Dapps interact with our modified fork of metamask. This metamask fork sends transactions to be signed to a server, potentially in the control of an "employer" (along with a signature identifying the "employee") so that server signs and returns the transaction signature to the employee's metamask clone. The server uses the Metamask SDK itself to manage the employer's keys.

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