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Basic Schnorr Signing coordination between two signers on {EVM chain} that moves assets from a 4337 account on {Base} using a Paymaster


Created At

ETHGlobal Sydney

Project Description

This was an ETHSydney hack to get familiar with the following: 1️⃣ Paymasters on Base using the Coinbase Paymaster SDK 2️⃣ AA 4337 smart wallet contracts and Alchemy's Account Kit 3️⃣ Deriving Schnorr signatures in the browser using Metamask Snaps

We encountered challenges in all three areas, so don't have an end-to-end prototype.

How it's Made

This project uses a 4337 Smart Wallet factory as the target wallet to hold a user's assets. We try to use Schnorr signatures for the coordination between two signers, and then push the resulting tx to the target wallet on the target chain use the Coinbase Paymaster SDK and Alchemy's Account Kit.

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