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Simon Wallet

Simon Wallet: Revolutionizing Accounts with Zero Trust and Passkeys. Send GHO seamlessly, earn interest on stablecoins. Non-custodial, user-empowered, ensuring privacy and control. Elevate your aave experience.

Simon Wallet

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Project Description

This project combines Zero Trust with Aave to make sending GHO and supplying assets to Aave as easy as possible. With Zero Trust, we create accounts, and users can sign their transactions directly with their passkeys and associate an ENS name with it. Users can log in with their passkeys or with their username, which resolves to their on-device passkey. This enables the creation of decentralized and trustless accounts (we are using SimpleAccount for this implementation). Once users have their account set up, they can send, receive GHO, stablecoins, and supply assets to Aave in a trustless and gasless manner

How it's Made

In developing our project, we focused on seamlessly integrating various technologies to ensure both security and ease of use. Here's how we pieced everything together:

  •   Zero Trust and Passkeys Integration: At the heart of our approach is the Zero Trust package we authored during the hackathon, which we are using to incorporated Passkeys, simplifying the user experience by allowing for direct transaction signing and eliminating . This integration not only bolsters security but also streamlines user interactions.
  •   Account Setup and Management with SimpleAccount: We chose SimpleAccount for the account and ens support 
  •   Utilizing Permissionless and Pimlico Bundlers: for interacting with the accounts and bundling user operations 
  •   Advanced Transactional Features: We developed functionalities like sendUserops and sendBatchedTransactions to optimize transaction processes. 
  •   Direct Interactions with Aave: Integrating direct interactions with Aave allowed us to tap into established protocol functionalities. This integration enables our users to supply assets to Aave, engage in lending and borrowing, and earn interest on stablecoin deposits, all within the secure confines of our wallet.
  •   ERC-20 Transaction Support: We made sure to include the capability to send and receive GHO in a gassless manner 
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